Dec 30, 2022 BlueMagic Group

All You Need To Know About Styling Eyebrows After Transplant

Eyebrows, like everything else, are subject to fashion’s fads and vagaries. An eyebrow transplant can help if your eyebrows have been plucked out, have grown very slowly, or have been affected by burns or illness.

An eyebrow transplant can bring back hair to your brow, much like a hair transplant that restores hair to the crown of your head. And what’s the best part? You can consider styling eyebrows after transplant, once the transplanted hair grows in correctly.

You can go for the transplant for both or any one of the eyebrows depending on the hair loss. The surgery is not only suitable for people who follow the trend and choose eyebrow shape and density. But, it is equally ideal for those who miss a part of their eyebrow owing to some medication or injury.

If you decide to get an eyebrow transplant in Turkey, you should know one thing. You might need to change how you take care of and shape your eyebrows. The eyebrow care after transplant is not the same as the hair that grows there naturally. It will act like the hair on your head (the donor area), so you may have to work on keeping the brow groomed.

How Is An Eyebrow Transplant Performed?

In a normal hair transplant, larger patches of hair are used to fill in or cover up hair loss spots on the head. An eyebrow transplant, on the other hand, is a much more sensitive and concise procedure.

Most of the time, hair is taken from places where it is comparatively shorter and does not grow rapidly, like the neck area or the legs. The hairs are then usually implanted one at a time to create the desired shape and thickness that looks natural. You should wait for some time after surgery and then go for styling eyebrows after the transplant.

Things To Keep In Mind After An Eyebrow Transplant

The eyebrow hair doesn’t grow back right away, just like any other hair transplant. As with any hair transplant procedure, a scab will form but fall off in a few days.

There will also be a time when hair falls out. When this phase is over, hair grows back. Let’s look at what else you should know after getting your eyebrows transplanted in order to get the best eyebrow transplant results.

Wait For Regrowth

Like any other hair transplant, the after-hair transplant results of an eyebrow are also not instantly visible. During the procedure, the surgeon will transplant 50 to 600 hair grafts, considering how full you want your brows to be and how sparse they are now.

Usually, a crust will form over the implanted hair after the procedure. This crust and any redness or swelling should go away after a few days.

Keep The Hairs Trimmed

There’s a difference between scalp hair and eyebrow hair. When hairs from the back of your scalp are used for an eyebrow transplant, you will have to train your transplanted scalp hair to behave like brow hair now.

The expert surgeons at BlueMagic Group, while doing transplantation, will do a part of this. They will place the transplanted hairs in such a way that they grow in a pattern the same as brow hairs naturally grow. As a matter of fact, the newly transplanted brow hair will grow as if they are still on the scalp.

While brow hairs stop growing after reaching around half an inch, the hairs which are transplanted will continue to grow.  And that’s why trimming eyebrows after a transplant becomes necessary from time to time.

Pluck Carefully

A common question that arises in many people’s minds: “Can we pluck transplanted eyebrow hairs?” A few things determine the answer to this. Plucking a few stray brow hairs occasionally is fine. But it is advised not to overdo it. The surgeons also recommend not to pluck brow hairs immediately after the surgery and wait for some time.

Even after some days try not to pluck too many hairs, as it can affect the results of the eyebrow transplant surgery.

Shaping And Styling Eyebrows After Hair-Transplants

Once the transplanted eyebrow hair grows in, like your natural eyebrows, you can style it as per your preference. You can use a brow comb and carefully pluck stray hairs. Eyebrow pencils can also be used to fill in the area and shape the eyebrows.

In Brief…

An eyebrow transplant can help bring back hair to your brow, much like a hair transplant restores hair to the crown of your head. During the procedure, the surgeon generally transplants 50 to 600 hair grafts, depending on the volume you want. Once the transplant is done, you can style your new eyebrows however you want.

The eyebrow hair that is transplanted is not the same as the hair that grows there naturally. And so, it needs timely trimming. Like any other hair transplant, eyebrow transplant results are not instantly visible.

Usually, a crust will form over the implanted hair after the procedure, which gradually goes away. Once the newly transplanted brow hair grows in, you can style and shape your eyebrows as you desire.

If you want a hair transplant for your eyebrows, why not get in touch? At BlueMagic Group, we’d be happy to help you get the brow hair you’ve always wanted and style it the way you like. Get in touch with us right away for the best eyebrow transplant.

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