Sep 01, 2021 BlueMagic Group

Answers To Your 10 Most Important Questions On Hair Transplant

A hair transplant is the most popular option among people with hair loss presently. Moreover, the rising competitiveness of the industry has given rise to the most luxurious and high-quality clinics around the world, among which Turkey stands out to have the best practices so far. With top-notch, all-inclusive packages of hair transplants, Turkey has become the foremost choice for a hair transplant.

That said, we’re now going to unravel some questions which are vital for you to know if you’re opting to go for a hair transplant in Turkey. Let’s discover all that we can in our further reading.

1. Can there be hair loss after a transplant?


It would be wrong to say that there isn’t a possibility, although the process is very natural. 

After your hair follicles are united into regions where your hair is diminishing, it sets aside some effort for your skin to recuperate. Indeed, it’s not unexpected for a portion of your hair to drop out for the initial three months after the hair transplant is done. You don’t have to worry during this period.

Mending can take somewhere close to 6 months to a year. In any case, when the recuperating system and healing are finished, the transplanted follicles start to develop hair that will round out the bare patches on your scalp. This is hair that will keep on developing normally as you get more established. 

The development of the hair follicles is long-lasting; it’s basically impossible to return them to their past position. However, similar to the remainder of your hair follicles in your body, the transplanted ones have a life expectancy as well. Hair is a naturally growing part of your body and has a life span.  Sooner or later, they may slowly quit delivering as much hair as they used to before.

2. Can an FUE hair transplant fail after a successful procedure?


The follicular unit extraction (FUE) Hair Transplant strategy is probably the most ideal choice accessible today to treat going bald. The FUE hair transplant procedure is considered successful after the patient gets the desired or expected results. It could fail if the level of expectations is not met.

Obviously, while FUE is successful, that is no assurance that it will consistently succeed as well. 

In straightforward terms, an FUE hair transplant implies failure because the hair-rebuilding medical procedure didn’t turn out as expected. This could mean poor stylish outcomes (e.g., bad hair thickness or dissemination, bare or diminishing patches in the transplanted hairline), difficulties influencing the well-being of the scalp in the contributor region, issues with the deciphered hair follicles, or a blend of these issues might occur. 

Most importantly, patients are not content with their FUE since it doesn’t bring about a persuading head regarding hair or a thick, full head of hair. That said, FUE is safe and the most preferred choice as there’s nothing much to lose, on the bright side you get a new set of hair in a successful process.

3. What medical conditions can cause hair loss?


To begin with, your PCP or dermatologist (a specialist who represents considerable authority in skin issues) will attempt to decide the fundamental reason for your balding. The most widely recognized reason for going bald is genetic male or female pattern hair loss. 

If you have a family background of hairlessness, you might have this kind of going bald. Certain chemicals can trigger innate going bald. It might start as ahead of schedule as pubescence. 

Sometimes, balding may happen with a straightforward end in the pattern of hair development. Significant ailments, medical procedures, or horrendous accidents can trigger going bald. Be that as it may, your hair will for the most part begin coming back without treatment. Other reasons for hair loss include pregnancy or labor, menopause, thyroid illness, alopecia areata (an immune system illness that assaults hair follicles), scalp diseases like ringworm, etc.

4. Can lifestyle choices cause new hair loss after an FUE hair transplant?


To better understand this, let’s get into the intricacies of hair loss after an FUE hair transplant. FUE hair transplant involves removing hair follicles from a donor area from your body and inducing these follicles to the place where there is less or no hair.

That said, after this procedure, your new hair follicles will take time to recover. After a complete recovery and growth of new hair, there are chances of hair loss if one doesn’t maintain a healthy lifestyle. This includes avoiding harmful and hard substances or chemicals, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol, and so on. Maintaining a good, healthy diet and lifestyle will ultimately decide your overall health, including your hair.

5. What if I’m not a good candidate?


No matter how much a hair transplant seems like a smart thought, the fact of the matter is that everybody has to check some factors and not just get one simply for having balding issues. There are numerous contemplations patients should know about to ensure it is the right strategy for them, yet here are a couple of significant ones. 

  • While there are no restrictions to what exactly age one can get a hair relocation method, an ideal competitor is between 25-65 years old. Patients beyond 65 years old will in general have extremely dainty hair and this arrangement probably won’t work at its best. 
  • Furthermore, as not all types of balding and hair loss are similar, the best possibility for hair transplantation is the individuals who experience hairlessness which is hereditary. 
  • Patients experiencing alopecia or different kinds of balding will have poor hair follicles, and the transfer would accordingly not be effective, which means they are not reasonable competitors. 
  • There are two significant components while surveying the measure of going bald: the seriousness of going bald and the quality and amount of donor’s hair. 
  • As hair transfers are basically surgery, a patient should be healthy prior to go through hair transplantation. 
  • Furthermore, your hair type plays an important role in deciding whether or not you make a good candidate for a hair transplant.

All things considered, it is better to consult an expert to have a better understanding of your condition and suitability for a hair transplant.

6. Is an FUE hair transplant painful?


An FUE hair transplant includes singular hair follicles being extricated from the benefactor region and transplanted to the spaces of the scalp that are thinning up and balding. As it’s a particularly fragile methodology, it’s fairly concentrated, and can look somewhat crude. 

Be that as it may, the real FUE medical procedure shouldn’t hurt by any stretch of the imagination, as most specialists utilize a local sedative to numb the scalp. It very well might be marginally awkward from the start, however, when the region is thoroughly numb, you will not feel any aggravation or pain.

7. Is the hair transplant surgery long?


FUE hair transplant should be possible in one long sitting or multiple small sessions. It is additionally more tedious than different sorts of techniques. The time it takes for an FUE technique can change. However, ordinarily, it relies upon the patient’s conditions, the number of grafts implanted, and so on. Minor operations that just need around 200 grafts can be finished in a couple of hours. A more extensive procedure of around 2,500 to 3,000 grafts requires a meeting that endures two days or so, depending on the clinic.

8. Will it look natural?


Yes. With the advancement of technology and the services provided by outstanding clinics like BlueMagic Group International in Turkey, it is possible to have a natural look after a hair transplant.

9. How long does it take for an FUE hair transplant in Turkey to heal?


Healing time after a hair transplant can take somewhere close to 6 months to a year. Yet, when the healing system is finished, the relocated follicles start to develop hair that will round out the bare patches on your scalp.

10. Does a beard transplant have different risks?


The majority of us may feel that a beard transplant is certifiably not a long process to stress over. Obviously, there isn’t anything to fear, yet this is a medical surgery. Despite the fact that it is unpredictable, there are a few risks like facial scars and infections. That if not done in a good clinic, also considered the health of the patient.

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