Oct 11, 2023 BlueMagic Group

Hair Transplant: An In-Depth Guide to Body to Head Procedures

Hair loss is a common issue that affects a substantial number of people. It can significantly affect a person’s self-esteem and confidence. This is where hair restoration procedures, such as hair transplants, come into play. A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that involves moving hair follicles from one part of the body (the donor site) to the area experiencing hair loss (the recipient site).

One of the unique approaches to hair transplants is the body to head method. This procedure involves transplanting hair from various parts of the body to the scalp. This article delves deep into this topic, providing all the information you need to know about this unique hair restoration procedure.

What is a Body to Head Hair Transplant?

Body to Head Hair Transplant (BHT) is a hair restoration procedure that involves transplanting hair follicles from various parts of the body to the scalp. This procedure is typically recommended for individuals who have experienced significant hair loss due to various factors such as genetics, trauma, or traction and have limited scalp donor hair.

This method is quite revolutionary, especially for people who lack sufficient donor hair on their scalp. The procedure is usually carried out in prominent clinics such as the BlueMagic Group Clinic.

When is Body Hair Transplantation Recommended?

Body hair transplantation is typically recommended in the following scenarios:

  1. Insufficient scalp donor hair: In many cases, individuals who require hair transplantation may not have enough hair in the traditional donor areas on the scalp. This could be due to previous hair transplant surgeries or extensive hair loss.
  2. Unsuccessful traditional hair transplants: Some individuals may have had unsuccessful hair transplants in the past, leaving them with inadequate hair in the donor area on the scalp.
  3. Scalp trauma or diseases: Certain scalp conditions or injuries may render the scalp unsuitable for traditional hair transplants. In such cases, body hair may be used.
  4. The desire for increased hair density: Some individuals may opt for body hair transplants to increase the density of their existing hair transplants.

What are the Different Types of Hair in Our Body?

We have various types of hair on our bodies, each with distinct characteristics. These include:

  1. Scalp hair: This is the hair on our heads. It is generally longer and thicker than the other types of hair on our bodies.
  2. Beard hair: This is the hair that grows on the face, primarily around the chin, cheeks, and upper lip. It tends to be thicker and more coarse than scalp hair.
  3. Chest hair: This is the hair that grows on the chest. It is typically shorter and finer than scalp hair.
  4. Arm and leg hair: This is the hair that grows on our arms and legs. It tends to be fine and short.
  5. Back hair: This type of hair grows on the back and is typically thick and coarse.

What Distinguishes Body Hair from Scalp Hair?

There are several differences between body hair and scalp hair:

  1. Texture: Body hair tends to have a more wiry or curly texture, while scalp hair is typically straight or wavy.
  2. Length: Body hair is generally shorter than scalp hair. Most body hair ranges between 1-3 cm long, while scalp hair can grow much longer.
  3. Growth rate: The growth rate of body hair is usually slower than that of scalp hair.
  4. Color: Body hair can often be lighter in color than scalp hair.
  5. Growth cycle: Body hair has a shorter growth phase (anagen phase) and a longer resting phase (telogen phase) than scalp hair.

Who is an Ideal Candidate for Body Hair Transplant?

An ideal candidate for a Body Hair Transplant (BHT) is someone who has experienced significant hair loss due to genetics or other factors and has a limited scalp donor supply. Candidates must have enough body hair to transplant, and the body hair qualities should ideally match those of scalp hair. It is essential for individuals considering this procedure to have realistic expectations about the outcome, as body hair differs in texture, thickness, and length from scalp hair.

The Method Used for Body Hair Transplant

The procedure for BHT is similar to other types of hair transplants. The first step involves harvesting the donor hair from the body, usually taken from the chest or beard area. The follicular unit extraction/extraction (FUE) method is often used for BHT. This hair is then transplanted onto the scalp in areas of thinning or balding.

How Much Does Body Hair Transplant Cost?

The cost of a Body Hair Transplant can vary greatly depending on several factors, including the individual, the clinic performing the procedure, and the number of follicular units that need to be transplanted. Generally, BHT procedures typically range between $5,000 to $20,000. It is crucial to consult with a qualified medical professional for an accurate estimate. Some clinics, like the BlueMagic Group Clinic, offer cost options to make the procedure more affordable.

Limitations of Body Hair Transplantation to Scalp

While body hair transplantation to the scalp can be an effective solution for many, it does come with certain limitations:

  1. Hair mismatch: Body hair does not typically match head hair in texture, diameter, or color. This can result in a less natural look.
  2. Less coverage per graft: Body hair tends to provide less coverage per graft compared to scalp hair, meaning more grafts may be needed for the desired coverage.
  3. Different growth rate: Body hair grows at a different rate than head hair, so the transplanted hair may not grow at the same rate as the surrounding scalp hair.
  4. More frequent shedding: Body hair may shed more frequently than surrounding scalp hair.
  5. Insufficient body hair: Not all people have enough body hair to transplant for a successful outcome.

Benefits of Body Hair Transplant to Head

Despite the limitations, there are several benefits associated with body hair transplantation:

  1. Scalp coverage: Body hair transplantation can provide scalp coverage for those with limited scalp donor supply.
  2. Combination treatment: Body hair transplantation can be used in combination with other hair restoration treatments for enhanced benefits.
  3. Improved appearance: A successful body hair transplant can improve the individual’s overall appearance and boost their self-confidence.


Body to head hair transplants offers a viable solution for individuals with limited scalp donor hair. It is an intricate procedure that requires expert knowledge and skills, making it crucial to choose a reputable clinic like BlueMagic Group Clinic for the procedure.

While body hair transplants may not be the first choice for many, they can be a game-changer for those who don’t have other options. As with any medical procedure, it is vital to have a thorough consultation with a hair restoration surgeon to understand the potential risks and benefits before making a decision.

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