Sep 11, 2019 BlueMagic Group

Guide To Grow Your Beard

For a beard to outshine your facial appearance, you should consider not using a razor and trimmer for a long time. Instead, you should wait out and let your beard grow to its full extent.

While many would have you believe that frequent shaving is the key for beard growth, it is not true at all. So the first thing you should do is to stop letting your facial hairs face the brunt of a blade at its early stage.

The various aspects of growing a beard

If styling and grooming are in your blood, then you would be much fascinated to know that there’s a lot to know while growing a beard. There are several guidelines you can find on the Internet that lets you into the secret of growing a beard.

However, there is no way you can determine its authenticity and the fact that it will bear you with an expected outcome. Hence you should be consulting with professionals who have been under such a line of work for many years. A clinical guideline is essential for generating an outcome of your desire.

First things first

So while understanding how to grow a beard, it is best to lay in the groundwork. You might be on your way to the shelf to pack your shaving kits. Before you do that, you should shave for the last time before sending them on a vacation. The intent is to stimulate the hair follicles to let them grow over time. Before a significant amount of hair starts to grow around your cheek, you might have to consider shaving once in every week.

Rub those dead cells away with a facial scrub underneath your beard. It will prevent dandruff on your beard. Continue scrubbing your beard even if it has gotten thick in structure. It helps in retaining a shiny appearance in your beard.

Here come the big guns

While you are done with all the groundwork, it is time to lay in the core aspects.

Wait and wait

The saddest part of growing a beard is waiting. For the stimulated hair follicles to extend into long thick strands of hair, you would have to be patient for a considerable amount of time. Unless you have a high hair growth which will let your beard grow overnight, you have to wait and let them run their course.

It is during this phase you should strictly consider not shaving. While maintaining such a commitment, you might be able to have a 7-inch long beard after some weeks of non-shaving.

A varied hair growth

The rate at which hair grows is much different. You might be developing a certain amount of thickness on various spots. Now either it might have its occurrence at an early stage, or much later. Whatever may be the case, you should not be alarmed with it as it is all part of the process.

After all, who wouldn’t be impressed with a nice pack of properly styled beard? As much as it feels tempted, you should not intervene in such stage and instead, let them run their natural course.

A suitable styling

The final aspect of growing a beard is proper grooming. While there is a professional that advises you on styling your beard, you can stick to your effort for such. You can consider adding beard oil or scruff softener as it helps attain a perfect shape.


While growing your beard, you should enhance the good parts of it. There are many styles to experiment with and many ways to grow them. Either resort to expert help or do it yourself at home.

If you are unable to grow your beard due to hair loss, visit Blue Magic Clinic – The best Hair Transplant clinic in Istanbul, Turkey.

To book an appointment call us at 02036277833 or visit our website
Address- BlueMagic Group Ltd. 20-22 Wenlock Road N17GU – London – UK


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