Jun 19, 2019 BlueMagic Group

Loosing Hair? Know about Hair Transplant!

Loosing Hair is a very common problem people face now-a-days. 

Due to excessive pollution, artificial and chemical hair products, unbalanced diet & hereditary issues, people may find it difficult to maintain healthy hair and start losing hair. 
Hair fall and baldness is a common problem faced by men and almost 60-70% men suffer Hair loss and baldness by the age of 40 which results in lower confidence and insecurity about their appearance.   
A hair transplant can boost the appearance and self-confidence of men who are balding. 
Hair Transplant procedure cannot create new hair, It can only move the hair you already have to the areas that are bald.  
Hair Transplant is the only successful and scientific technique to cure baldness forever, hence Hair Transplant has become quite popular amongst men from the past few years.

Hair Transplant can cure baldness, the result varies from person to person depending on the health and diet they intake.
Hair transplant is a surgical procedure where the surgeons remove the hair follicles from the donor site and transplants them to the balding part of the head known as the recipient site. Usually the donor site is from  the back of the head and is shifted to the front. 

One can opt for FUE ( Follicular unit extraction ) , DHI Choi Pen, or PRP Therapy, it is necessary to first understand and identify the reseeding hair line with a professional surgeon and choose the surgery accordingly.

Follicular Unit Extraction also known as FUE harvesting, is a process where individual units containing 1 to 4 hairs are removed under local anesthesia, this micro removal surgery is done using tiny punches of between 0.6mm to 1.0mm in diameter. With very small micro blades or fine needles, the surgeons then punctures the sites for receiving the grafts, placing them in the predetermined density & pattern, and maintaining a 40-45 degree angle to give realistic hair growth pattern.

This surgery can be done in a single long session from 4-8 hours depending upon the patients requirement, and surgeons experience.
The procedure can take anywhere from a couple hours to extract 200 grafts for a scar correction to a surgery over two consecutive days for a mega session of 2,500 to 3,000 grafts. 

FUE treatment can give a very natural result to the patient without much scarring, Because individual follicles are removed, only small, puncture scars remain which are virtually not visible and any post-surgical pain and discomfort is minimized.


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Curious to know how your hair transplant would go? Connect with us today and let us help you understand each and everything with the help of the experts.  & let us give you complete details with the help of a free consultation.

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