Jun 24, 2020 BlueMagic Group

How Many FUE Transplants Can One Have?

The topic which we are going to discuss in this article is a question widely asked. Not only among the people who have undergone but also those planning to have a hair transplant. 

Before getting into deep conversations it would be best if we first discuss these topics:

  • What exactly is a FUE transplant?
  • How can it help an individual to regain their beautiful long hair?
  • FUE Transplant Before & After impacts
  • If they can afford going under FUE transplants?

What exactly is a FUE transplant?

This in detail read would help you open up your eyes in regards with Hair Transplant & FUE transplant cost. 

If we talk about what exactly is a FUE transplant, then we’ve got proper answers for you. 

FUE is used for obtaining hair follicles naturally. This amazing and effective treatment came into the light in the year 1988. It was in Japan where was firstly introduced the use of 1 – mm needles for extracting follicular units. 

This size was initially introduced as 1-mm. But with the help of science and technology, there have been many evolutions in the industry of Hair transplant.  Our scientists have successfully made this procedure an easier one if you compare to the old.

How can a FUE hair transplant help you regain your beautiful hair?

Going under a FUE transplant can help you gain a beautiful transformation.

FUE treatment may leave a small or a typical white scar on an individual’s donor area. Because that’s from where we secure the follicle grafts. But that also depends on where you receive your therapy from. 

If you undergo a good treatment from the experts in this field, chances are that there may be very less or even NO scars on the patient’s body. 

Usually it happens in men and women both, that due to hormonal or genetic factors their hairline starts receding. This makes that the visibility of the scalp increases. Therefore it leads to impractical baldness in an individual. So, instead of suffering from all this, they choose going under this particular treatment.

Undergoing the procedure of FUE transplant will help you gain beautiful long hair. This process is not only for hair restoration and getting rid of baldness. It is a great solution also if there is hair loss due to an injury or severe burn. 

The benefits of involving in FUE hair transplant

Below are some of the benefits you’ll get from an FUE hair transplant: 

  • Hair transplant offers you a natural appearance as the hair which will regrow on your scalp, it would be because the donor follicle would be from your own body parts. This will lead your hair to look natural & beautiful on its own. 
  • There are chances that your hair may look much better then how they used to be before due to the new growth & it will also help you regain your lost confidence 
  • Unlike the temporary medication and oral solutions which most of the doctors would suggest and offer, FUE transplant has been proven to be a permanent solution for any sort of hair issues. 
  • New and shiny hair growth would help you boost your self esteem which was long way lost before when you were experiencing thinning of hair & balding of your head. 
  • FUE hair transplant cost would be a one time investment for you, compared to what your spendings would be if you pay regular visits and invest in all the medicines if required. 
  • Transplant can be a natural and an effective solution for your hair and follicle which has no side effects and is completely safe!
  • A hair transplant is extremely beneficial if an expert and qualified surgeon performs it.
  • It will bring back your happy days with no more balding! 

How Many FUE Hair Transplants can one have?

Most of the time it occurs to an individual who is planning to go for the same surgery is that How Many Fue Transplants can one have?Lot of times it has happened that even a single graft of follicle gives a patient their desired density of hair and then they won’t need any other treatments to be done. 

But then fewer times due to aggressive balding patterns, an individual may have to undergo numerous surgeries and sittings for their FUE transplant to get their desired look of their hair.

Undergoing numerous surgeries and hair transplant sittings may not be harmful if your expert surgeon suggests it. Also you might need a follow up procedure in such cases.

An individual should always be patient and wait at least a few months before going for the next transplant surgery. That way the injuries occurred during the first operation gets healed. 

An individual can go for more transplants only and only if their Surgeon allows and suggests them to. 

About the expenses they might face, and your question that how much does FUE hair transplant cost should not be a worry anymore. 

As the most trusted brand in Turkey – Istanbul, the Bluemagic Group would help you easily finance your hair transplant so that you regain the lost confidence with healthy and strong locks on your head. 

With more than 20,000 successful surgeries and happy clients, BlueMagic Group has 15 years of expertise in this industry. 

We have a set of experts as our panel and doctors who will provide you the best treatment as per your need and requirement. 

Using the most advanced technology, BlueMagic is the only hair transplant clinic in Istanbul that provides easy installment options to their patients. 

We won’t provide you just the treatment! But also a 5-star hotel and an unforgettable trip to Istanbul with a great quality of therapy and treatment. 

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How Much Does DHI Hair Transplant Cost in Turkey?

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Is FUE Hair Transplant Permanent?

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