donor area

The donor area refers to the region on the scalp or body where hair follicles are harvested for transplantation. Typically located at the back and sides of the head, this area is resistant to balding.

Key points include:

a. FUE Technique: Follicles are extracted individually.

b. DHI Technique: A strip of skin is removed.
Healing: Scarring is minimal in both methods.

Go through to know more about the number of times a person may need a hair transplant.

The donor area is crucial in hair restoration procedures, serving as the source for hair follicles used in transplants. This article delves into the characteristics of an ideal donor area, factors affecting its health, and key considerations for maintaining hair density post-procedure. Navigate through our comprehensive resources to enhance your understanding of this pivotal aspect of hair restoration.

Hair transplant f multiple sessions
Dec 14, 2022 Hair Transplant Blogs

How many hair transplants can a person have?


Curious to know how your hair transplant would go? Connect with us today and let us help you understand each and everything with the help of the experts.  & let us give you complete details with the help of a free consultation.

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