hair transplant timeline

The hair transplant process involves multiple stages, from consultation to full results. Recovery and hair growth occur progressively.

Timeline Pointers
1. Consultation (Day 0): Discuss goals and options.
2. Procedure (Day 1): 4-8 hours for extraction and implantation.
3. Initial Recovery (Week 1): Mild swelling and redness.
4. Shedding Phase (Weeks 2-4): Transplanted hair falls out.
5. Hair Growth (Months 3-6): New hair begins to grow.
6. Full Results (12 Months): Optimal results achieved.

Read through this article to know the steps involved in hair growth after a hair transplant.


Curious to know how your hair transplant would go? Connect with us today and let us help you understand each and everything with the help of the experts.  & let us give you complete details with the help of a free consultation.

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