Jan 15, 2020 BlueMagic Group

How Long Does It Take for Transplanted Hair to Grow?

So, you have finally decided to go under the knife of a hair transplant surgeon!? Great! Now, in no time, you will be able to gain your lost confidence and youthful look!

With that stated, it is best to keep in mind that hair transplant procedures would test your patience. The reason is simple – irrespective of the method your surgeon chooses for your case, you would need to give your scalp the time it needs to recover properly.

The recovery period varies from case to case as well as the method your hair transplant surgeon has chosen for you. That stated, there are two types of hair transplant procedures.

They are as follows:

  • FUT or Follicular Unit Transplantation and

  • FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction/Excision

How long does it take for the transplanted hair to grow?

In terms of new hair growth, you would need to wait for at least three to four months to see visible results. But keep in mind that the overall texture and density of hair will be unsatisfactory since the transplanted hair follicles will be still in their recovery period.

If you witness that the transplanted hairs are shedding, you shouldn’t worry since it is natural. It is a clear sign that the transplanted hair follicles are healed and they are now capable to produce new hair strands, on their own.

In the end, you would finally have impressive hair with just the right shine, texture, and overall look after a year or a year and a half. Furthermore, the overall quality of hair will continue to improve with time given you had followed the tips mentioned below.

What are the things you need to do to take care of your transplanted hair?

  • It is best that you take the sleep medication your doctor has prescribed. You would need to take the same for at least three nights since you have had the hair transplant procedure.

  • You should also take the prescribed medication to keep swelling at bay.

  • It is best that you sleep on your back with your head elevated at an angle of exactly 45 degrees. You would need to use at least three pillows to achieve the exact elevation. Elevating your head will keep swelling in the graft area(s) under control.

  • It is strongly advised that you clean your hair on a regular basis with a mild shampoo. Shampooing your transplanted hair will remove scabs, oil, dirt, and dried blood from the graft site. You would need to carefully wash your hair, regularly, for about three weeks. After that, reduce the shampooing frequency to two times a week.


It is best to keep in mind that you would need to be very careful for at least two years after you have had a hair transplant. Follow the transplanted hair care regime mentioned in the above sections with due diligence. You will thank yourself later. For more details, be sure to get in touch with a leading hair transplant clinic like Blue Magic.


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How Long Do Scabs Take To Heal After Hair Transplant?

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